ipggc certifications

Certification Standards for Gaming & Gambling Disorder Professionals
Certemy LoginApproved Training Programs

Certifications to Better Serve the Gambling and Gaming Support Community

As the field of gambling and gaming has evolved, so too has the need for specialized knowledge and skills. The IPGGC recognizes the importance of providing certifications that accurately reflect the diverse roles within this field. These certifications are designed to enhance clarity for both professionals and the public and strengthen the IPGGC’s commitment to evidence-backed responsible gambling practices.

IPGGC Certifications Tracks

Clinical Treatment

Peer Recovery


Responsible Gambling/Gaming Industry

Clinical Treatment Certifications

Designed for clinicians who provide treatment to individuals and families affected by gambling and gaming disorders.

Certifications in this track will focus on evidence-based treatment modalities and ethical considerations.

International Certified Gambling Counselor-I


For clinicians and other helping professionals working directly with individuals who identify gambling as a significant feature of their presenting treatment issue.

International Certified Gambling Counselor-II


This advanced certification builds on the training of the ICGC-I, and identifies clinicians with over 2,000 hours of experience supporting those who gamble and those affected by problem gambling.

International Gaming Disorder Certificate


This certificate aims to support clinicians in addressing video game-related issues in their current outreach, prevention, and clinical settings.

Board Approved Clinical Consultant


This certification ​denotes ICGC-II counselors who have acquired sufficient training, clinical experience, and supervision skills and are approved to provide supervision to ICGC applicants.

Peer Recovery Certifications

Designed for individuals with lived experience with gambling disorder who provide support and guidance to others in recovery as peers.

Certifications in this track focus on peer support principles and ethical considerations.

International Gambling Recovery Specialist


This certification aims to increase the number of peers to help meet the need for support in disordered gambling recovery,  ensuring that peers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to guide others through the recovery process, offering support, understanding, and encouragement based on shared experiences.

Board Approved Recovery Advisor


BARA certification denotes IGRS peers who have acquired sufficient training, experience, and supervision skills and are approved to provide supervision to IGRS applicants.

Prevention Certifications

Designed for Prevention Specialists in the problem gambling and gaming field to educate and raise awareness about the risks and consequences of problem gambling and gaming.

These certifications will validate the knowledge, skills, and experience of professionals who work to educate the public about the risks of problem gambling and gaming, develop and implement effective Restructuring Certifications Statement (11.21.24) 4 prevention programs, and collaborate with community partners to promote responsible gambling and gaming practices.

Clergy / Lay Ministers Certification

The Clergy / Lay Minister Certification is designed to provide basic knowledge about gambling issues, enhance skills for recognizing gambling harm, and provide information for the supportive loved ones of a person who has a gambling disorder to assist in recovery efforts.

Prevention Specialist

Coming Soon!

Responsible Gambling/Gaming Industry

Designed for professionals working in the gambling and gaming industry who are committed to promoting responsible gambling practices.

Certifications in this track will focus on areas such as prevention, education, awareness, and regulatory compliance.

Certification Details Coming Soon

all Approved Trainings
Examination Information
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